Intune discovered apps dashboard with Log Analytics
In this post I will show you a dashboard to monitor easily apps installed on your Intune devices.
The solution
1. Create an Azure Automation account
2. Use it with Managed Identity
3. Create runbook in Automation
4. Runbook get discovered apps from all devices
5. Send data to Log Analytics
Discovered apps script
You can see here the script I did about how to collect discovered apps and send them to Log Analytics.
Make it better
If you have any feedback regarding issues or what you want to see or add in the dashboard feel free to contact me by mail at
Sources to download
Click on the below GitHub picture to get following files:
- Export_discoveredapps_CSV.ps1: Azure Automation script
- DiscoveredApps_LogAnalytics.ps1
- Workbook.json: Log Analytics dashboard
Follow the blog post here to add the following prerequisites:
- Create Azure Automation account
- Set Managed Identity
- Add permissions
Log Analytics dashboard
How it looks like ?
The workbook is divided in 2 tabs:
- Apps resume
- Device details
Apps resume tab
On the first tab you can get some overview by typing app name.
The default chart displayed is the Devices count by apps and versions, as below:
To get more info, type an app name in the filters at the top, as you can see below for Docker:
You can then see:
- Devices count by version for this application
- Devices with this application
- Devices count by apps and versions
Once you type an app name, you can:
- select the exact app name from a drop down menu:
- select a specific version from a drop down menu:
You can also change the time range by using the time range filter:
Device details tab
On the second tab, Device details, you can get more info about applications on a specific device.
To get info you need first to type a device name in the filter:
You will see at the top the following info:
- Device last contact
- Applications count on the device
- Primary user
By default you will get below info:
- Apps installed on the device with last version
- All installed apps history for the device
Then if you filter on a specific app name, you can get the following info:
Versions history for this application on the device
In this example we have selected Docker app, and during the last 30 days only one version of Docker has been installed.
Now let's select an app that is automatically updated like OneDrive:
Here you can see different versions installed for the OneDrive client.
Add the workbook
In this part we will add the report.
The report can be downloaded on my GitHub, here.
The report is the file: Workbook.json
To add it, proceed as below:
1. Go to the Azure portal
2. Go to Log Analytics workspace
3. Go to workbooks
4. Click on New
5. Go to Advanced editor
6. Remove all content
7. Go to the GitHub link, there
8. Click on the copy button
9. Click on Apply
10. Click on Done editing then Save
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