
Devices BSOD (blue screen) dashboard with Log Analytics

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In this post I will share with you a Log Analytics report allowing you to see all devices with BSOD during last 30 days.

What do we want ?

In the Log Analytics we want the below things:

- BSOD count per models

- BSOD count per BIOS version

- BSOD count per manufacturer

- BSOD count per OS

- Last BSOD count per date

- All BSOD for a specific device durng last 30 days

- Link to log of the devices (during last 15 days)

- Top 10 devices with BSOD

- Devices details

In this report you will be able to get a lot of count regarding BSOD.

You will be able to get the top 10 devices wuth BSOD during last 30 days.

The details tab will give you last BSOD date and code for each device but also all BSOD (date and code) for a specific device name.

The advantage of the solution is that you will also access to logs of each devices that has BSOD during last month.

The solution

To get the list we will use PowerShell and Azure Automation.

Check my first post here to know how to use Graph to get the result.

We will proceed as below:

1. Create a script in Azure Automation

2. The script gets devices with BSOD during

3. The script gets all BSOD for a specific device

4. The script will send data to a Custom Log

Getting BSOD devices logs

The report helps you to troubleshoot issues with devices by accessing directly to logs through the Log Analytics workbook.

Indeed for each devices with BSOD you will find a column with link to logs of the devices on SharePoint.

To get devices logs you will need to create a Proactive Remediation script that will upload logs to SharePoint when it detects a BSOD.

You can find here my previous post about this.

You will then access to below logs direclty through the report:

- All .dmp files

- Device uptime

- List of services

- List of hotfix installed

- List of drivers

- List of process

You will also get content of event log during last 15 days for the following logs:

- System

- Applications

- Security

- Kernel-Power

- Kernel-PnP/Driver Watchdog

- Kernel-PnP

- Kernel-LiveDump

- Kernel-ShimEngine

- Kernel-Boot

- Windows-Kernel-IO

How the report looks like ?

The workbook is divided in two tabs:

- Resume: displays chart with BSOD count

- Details: displays BSOD details

The first tab contains below information:

The second tab contains below information:

Resume tab

BSOD count per models

BSOD count per BIOS version

BSOD count per manufacturer

BSOD count per OS

Last BSOD count per date

BSOD count per error code

Details tab

All BSOD for a specific device during last 30 days

Link to log of the devices (during last 15 days)

Top 10 devices with BSOD

Devices details

There are also 2 filters allowing you to filter details on different things:

- Filter on device name

- Filter on models

Get the report
Click on the below GitHub picture to get all files.
Below files are available:
- Runbook_script.ps1: Azure Automation script
- Assign_permissions.ps1: add permissions on the account
- Workbook.json: JSON workbook file

How to use the script ?
Configuring SharePoint logs
The script allowing you to send all BSOD to Log Analytics is called Runbook_script.ps1 and is available on the GitHub link.
The first step is to create a Proactive Remediation that will detect BSOD on devices and send logs to SharePoint.
If you want to use this part set variable $Use_SharePoint_Logs to $True
If not, set it to $False

If you wan to use this functionality, you need to configure below variables:
- $ClientID = "SharePoint app client ID"
- $Secret = "SharePoint app secret"       
- $Site_URL = "SharePoint site URL"
- $Folder_Location = "SharePoint folder where to send logs"

Log Analytics information
In order to create this report we will need to add some information relative to the Log Analytics workspace in the PS1 script.

See below required info:
- Workspace ID
- Primary key

To get those information go to Log Analytics Workspace > Agents management
You will find both Workspace ID and Primary key.

Then we will proceed as below:
1. Open the file Runbook_script.ps1
2. Fill below variables:
- $CustomerID: workspace ID
- $ShareKey: Primary key

Azure Automation account

Creating the account

1. Go to Azure

2. Go to Automation accounts

3. Click on Create

4. Type a name

5. Choose a Subscription

6. Choose the Resource group

7. Choose your region

8. Click on Create

9. Wait a bit

10. Click on Go to resource

Adding permissions

Once the Managed Identity has been configured a new Enterprise application will be created.

Then you need to add permissions to be able to actions.

The required permissions is the following: 

- DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All 

- DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All

To add this permission you will need to use PowerShell, it can't be done through the portal.

For that use the script Assign_permission.ps1 on my GitHub repo.

You just need to fill below variables:

- $TenantID: your tenant ID

- $DisplayNameOfMSI: name of your automation account

Adding module

In case you want to use the Logs from device on SharePoint you'll need to add a module.

For that we will proceed as below:

1. Go to your automation account

2. Click on Modules gallery

3. Search: pnp.powershell

4. Click on pnp.powershell

5. Click on Import

6. Click on OK

Creating a Runbook

1. Go to your Automation accounts

2. Go to Runbooks

3. Click on + Create a runbook

4. Type a name

5. In Runbook type, select PowerShell

6. Click on Create

Add script in Runbook

The runbook script is located downloaded sources

Its name is: Runbook_script.ps1

Test the Runbook

1. Click on Test pane

2. Click on Start

3. Once finished, you should see Completed

Publish the Runbook

1. Go to your Runbook

2. Click on Edit

3. Click on Publish

4. Click on Yes

Schedule the Runbook

1. Go to your Runbook

2. Click on Schedules

3. Click on + Add a schedule

4. Click on Link a schedule to your runbook

5. Click on + Add a schedule

6. Type a name

7. In Recurrence, select Recuring

8. Click on Create

Log Analytics workbook

In this part we will add the report.

The report can be downloaded on GitHub.

The report is: Workbook.json

To add it, proceed as below:

1. Go to the Azure portal

2. Go to Log Analytics workspace

3. Go to workbook

4. Click on New

5. Go to Advanced editor

6. Remove content

7. Go to the GitHub link, there

8. Click on the copy button as below:

9. Click on Apply

10. Click on Done editing then Save

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2 commentaires

Anonyme a dit…

Thanks for the insight but I have one logical question.
If the main purpose it to have information in Log Analytics, why are you pushing the logs to SharePoint first, and then go through the effort of having an Automation account to sort this information from SharePoint?
Why not build the Proactive Remediation script in a way that it automatically pushes the information directly to a Custom Log in Log Analytics, and then all you need are the Workbook queries and SharePoint becomes unnecessary.

Damien Van Robaeys a dit…

I just use proactive remediation to get bsod logs (.dmp, evtx...) not informations of BSOD.
I get all info relative to BSOD from Intune portal and for this I use Azure Automation an Graph.
The proactive remediation just sends logs from the device to SharePoint.

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