
Powershell tool: Export your computer configurations - New version

Two years ago, I shared a tool using which you can export your computer configuration.
In this post I will show you the new version of this tool using Mahapps and new export.

How to get the tool ?

What's new ?

New Design

The Powershell GUI now uses the Mahapps theme, as you can see below.
Export my config design before
Export my config design - New version

New parameters to export

See below the new configuration that will be exported:
  • Performance rate
  • Power options
  • BIOS settings (for Lenovo)
  • Applications at run

How it works ?

1 / A folder  "export-config" is created on your Desktop
2 / Folders  "XML" "XLS", "CSV", "HTML" will be created in the above folder. 
3 / Folder ALL Logs is created and will contain logs from c:\windows\logs and msilogs.
4 / XML files will be exported in the folder XML
5 / HTML  files will be exported in the folder HTML
6 / CSV files will be exported in the folder CSV
7 / XLS files will be exported in the folder XLS
Export my config content
BIOS settings XLS export Overvioew
BIOS settings HTML export Overview

How to use it ?

1 / Run "Export my config.exe"
2 / A window will be displayed with a progressbar
3 / When the progress bar has reached 100%, the tool will be closed.
4 / Open the "Export-Config_your model" folder to see the export

Note: The tool can take some time to complete. On my computer the export was finished after 2 minutes 14secondes.

What's next ?

As for the previous version, I will create a version for MDT that will allow you to choose in which format you want to do the export.

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