Export your configuration - MDT Version
In my previous post, I have shown you a little tool that exports your computer configuration to multiple format as CSV, XML, HTML.
That way you can run easily the script in MDT for instance.
How to get the tool ?
How to get the tool ?
How it works
1 / The script contains 3 functions (CSV, XML and HTML)
2 / Function CSV exports configuration to CSDV and XLS
3 / Function XML exports configuration to XML
4 / Function HTML exports configuration to HTML
5 / It will create a folder called Export_my_Config_ComputerModel o,n your Desktop
6 / It will create folders CSV, HTML, or XML depending of the output format you selected
How to use it ?
Running directly the script
Run the commandline below:
For instance the commandline below will launch the script, located in c:\export_config, and will export parameters in XML and HTML formats.
Running the script in MDT
1 / Copy the file Export_my_config_choice.ps1 in the Scripts folder
2 / Copy the Export-config.css in the Scripts folder
2 / Copy the Export-config.css in the Scripts folder
3 / In your Task Sequence, Add a new commandLine
Add a new commandline |
4 / Copy the commandline below in the commandline field
Export my config in MDT |
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