
Export your configuration - MDT Version

In my previous post, I have shown you a little tool that exports your computer configuration to multiple format as CSV, XML, HTML.
In this post I will show you a way to run the script by choosing the export format.
That way you can run easily the script in MDT for instance.

How to get the tool ?

How it works
1 / The script contains 3 functions (CSV, XML and HTML)
2 / Function CSV exports configuration to CSDV and XLS
3 / Function XML exports configuration to XML
4 / Function HTML exports configuration to HTML
5 / It will create a folder called Export_my_Config_ComputerModel o,n your Desktop
6 / It will create folders CSV, HTML, or XML depending of the output format you selected

How to use it ?

Running directly the script

Run the commandline below:

For instance the commandline below will launch the script, located in c:\export_config, and will export parameters in XML and HTML formats.

Running the script in MDT

1 / Copy the file Export_my_config_choice.ps1 in the Scripts folder
2 / Copy the Export-config.css in the Scripts folder
3 / In your Task Sequence, Add a new commandLine
Add a new commandline
4 / Copy the commandline below in the commandline field
Export my config in MDT

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