
Cusomize the MDT navigation bar using wizard.css

As mentioned in my previous posts, MDT is fully customizable.
In this post, I will show an easy way to customize the navigation bar or menu in your deployment.

What is the navigation menu ?
The navigation menu is the menu taht displays the part where you are in the Wizard.
By default it looks like as below:

How to customize it ?
It's really easy.
The MDT deployment wizard process works with HTA and VBS.
It also uses a CSS file, called Wizard.css in Scripts folder
In order to change the design of our menu we will use this file.

In this file we can find tthe hree class below:
- NavHistory: Panel which has been already configured
- NavItemHighlited: Current panel
- NavItem: Next panel, that have not been yet selected

See below those class

Now we want to change it as belwo
- NavHistory: Background in Green, text in white and no underline
- NavItemHighlited: Background in Blue, text in blue
- NavItem: In Orange

See below the result

MDT_Wizard 3997082606475807402

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