
Powershell Tool : Compare two computer services-hotfix-software-drivers-process

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As mentioned in a previous post, when you work on master, it is important to list the master configuration, like services, software, drivers ...

When you prepare a new release of a master, some parameters may be different or new parameters may be installed (as for an example new software version or different services states).

That's why I create a powershell tool with which you can export your configuration and compare the configuration of two computers (by comparing 2 CSV or XML).

I created the GUI using Powershell Studio.

I -  "List & Export" Tab

    A / How works the export ?

Which computer configuration could be export ?
5 parameters can be export : Services - Software - Hotfix - Drivers and Process

Where they will be export ?
After running the export, a folder, called "Export-Config_%Date%" will be created on the user desktop.

How is organize this folder ?
One folder will be created for each format, like CSV - XML ...
If you choose to export all your config it means that 5 folders will be created, as below.

How CSV files will be formatted in XLS ?
When you choose to export a parameter in CSV, if Office is installed on your computer, CSV files will be formatted in XLS, for a better view, and will be saved in the XLS folder.

    B / How works this tab ?

Export all parameters in all format

Open the export folder

Choose which parameter to export

Choose in which format the parameter will be export

Export the parameter

II - "Compare" Tab 

    A / How the comparison works ?

Which parameter could be compare ?
You can compare all parameter which have been exported using the first tab.

Which method is used for the comparison ?
It will compare two CSV or XML files. So if you want to compare services from 2 different computers, you have to export them to CSV or XML files from each computer. 

Are there some condition ?
Your files must contain hotfix, services, drivers, process or software in the file name. 

Where the comparison will be saved ?
After running the comparison, a folder, called "Comparison_%Date%%Hour%" will be created on the user desktop.

    B / How the "Compare" tab works ?

Select the first CSV or XML file to compare

Select the second CSV or XML file to compare

Choose in which format the comparison will be saved, XLS, HTML or both

Compare the first and second file you chose in the expected output format.

Quick results of the comparison

    B / Comparison example 

HTML Export Services comparison

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