
MDT Monitoring - Web report with Powershell and bootstrap

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In this post I will show you how to generate cool web reports, with powershell and bootstrap, for your MDT deployments.
See below an overview of the full web report you will get using the script.

How to get the script ?

How it looks like ?

This report is composed of three parts.

1 / Badges that informs you about number of running, failed and completed installations, as below.
2 / Customized alert message that informs you about the below points:
- All deployments have been completed successfully
- There is a least one issue during one of your installation
- There is nothing in your monitoring history
Note that you can close this alert message.

3 / Search bar that allows you to search a specific deployment parameter, fr instance deployment in success, or failed.
How to use it ?

As for my previous posts, it's very easy to use:
1 / Open the PS1 file 
2 / Replace the Monitoring_Host variable with yours
3 / Run the PS1 file
4 / And voila, your report will be automatically generated
The html will be generated in the ProgramData folder

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4 commentaires

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour, merci pour cet outil !
Cela aurait été très intéressant si le rafraîchissement de la page pouvait être périodique afin de l'utiliser comme un Dashboard, pensez vous que c'est envisageable ?

Anonyme a dit…
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Anonyme a dit…

Hello damien

thanks for this great work on this.

i was wondering if there is a way to work in location base on host gateway ip address of the host machine? i have been trying to no avail.

i would also like to include the host ip address in the report as well.

thanks in advance for your reply

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Damiem,

Is there an way to automatic refresh the website every seconds?
When deploying computers the website is not refreshing the site to check the status of deployment.

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