
PowerShell module: PSTalk - Speak with PowerShell

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In this post, I will share with you a PowerShell module I created that allows you to tell a text using the System voice.

How to get the module

The module PSTalk is available on the PowerShell Gallery and on GitHub.
Click on the links below to get the module.
Module on GitHub
Module on PowerShell Gallery

How to install it ?

From the PowerShell Gallery

Open the PowerShell prompt
Type the below commandline
The module PSTalk will be installed

From GitHub

Click on the download button
Extract content of the zip folder
Open the PowerShell prompt
Type the below commandline

How to use it ?

Type the below commandline to see the available cmdlets
Get-command -module PSTalk
See below, the available alias for the cmdlet
Available alias in the PSTalk module

Speak cmdlet

The Speak cmdlet allows you to tell a text using PowerShell.
See below how to use the cmdlet.
The cmdlet allows you to do the below things
- Choose the voice to speak
- Choose the voice volume
- Choose the voice rate
- Generate a script that will use your selected options

When you add the -voice switch, you will have to choose a voice. Those voices are depending of the installed voices on the computer.
Voices selection
When you add the -resume switch, a short resume will be displayed about your options you have selected 
Voice resume selection
You can also use a pipeline with the speak cmdlet as below

The module in action

The below example shows you how to use basically the speak cmdlet with Text only.

The below example shows you how to use the speak cmdlet with Text only from a pipeline

The below example shows you how to use the speak cmdlet by selecting the voice to speak.

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