
PowerShell module: Compare 2 computer configurations (services, drivers...)

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In this post, I will show you a module I created that allows you to compare two computer configurations.
In my previous post I showed you a module that allows you to export your computer configuration (Services, Drivers, Software, Process, BIOS settings) in multiple format (CSV, XML, HTML).
Using the compare module you can now compare two computer computer configurations by comparing those export. 
You can compare drivers, services, software and process by choosing CSV or XML exports. The comparison export can be done in HTML or XLSX formats.

How to get the module ?

The module CompareConfig is available on the PowerShell Gallery and on GitHub.
Click on the links below to get the module. 
Module on the PowerShell Gallery
Module on GitHub

How to install it ?

From the PowerShell Gallery

Open the PowerShell prompt
Type the below commandline
The module CompareConfig will be installed

From GitHub

Click on the Download button
Extract the zip folder
Open the PowerShell prompt
Type the below commandline

How to use it ?

Type the below commandline to see the available cmdlets

cmdlets available in comparecomputer module

See below, the available alias for each cmdlets
Available alias in the comparecomputer module


It allows you to compare two services export (CSV or XML files).
See below how to use this cmdlet

Get-help compare-services cmdlet
See below an overview of two services comparison in HTML format.
Services comparison in HTML
See below an overview of two services comparison in XLSX format.
The Excel export is composed of the below sheets
Services Excel comparison - Sheets
See below how services with different state
Services with different states
See below services with different startup type
Services with different startmode


It allows you to compare two process export (CSV or XML files).
See below how to use this cmdlet

Get-help compare-process cmdlet
See below an overview of two process comparison in HTML format.
Process comparison in HTML
See below an overview of two process comparison in XLSX format.
The Excel export is composed of the below sheets
Process Excel comparison - Sheets
See below process that are in both files
Same process in both files


It allows you to compare two software export (CSV or XML files).
See below how to use this cmdlet

Get-help compare-software cmdlet
See below an overview of two software comparison in HTML format.
Software comparison in HTML

See below an overview of two software comparison in XLSX format.
The Excel export is composed of the below sheets
Software Excel comparison - Sheets
See below software with different versions
Software with different versions


It allows you to compare two drivers export (CSV or XML files).
See below how to use this cmdlet

Get-help compare-drivers cmdlet
See below an overview of two drivers comparison in HTML format.
Drivers comparison in HTML

See below an overview of two drivers comparison in XLSX format.
The Excel export is composed of the below sheets
Drivers Excel comparison - Sheets
See below drivers with same versions
Same drivers and versions
See below drivers with different versions
Same drivers but different versions


It allows you to compare two hotfix export (CSV or XML files).
See below how to use this cmdlet.

Get-help compare-hotfix cmdlet
See below an overview of two hotfix comparison in HTML format.

See below an overview of two hotfix comparison in XLSX format.
The Excel export is composed of the below sheets
Hotfix sheets

Module in action
Compare-services overview
Compare-software overview
Compare-drivers overview
Compare-process overvie
Compare-hotfix overview

Whats' next ?

I will soon published a new version that allows you to compare two computer configurations as below:
Compare two online computer configurations
Compare the running computer with an existing CSV or XML export

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pAceMaker-tM a dit…

Came across this got my hopes up :(

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