
OEM Support Page with Metro style

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Computer properties can be customized to display different informations as for an example :
  • Your company logo
  • Computer model
  • Manufacturer
  • Support Hours 
  • Support number

You can also add a personnalized support page, as below.

In this post I will show you a way to display some computer, user ... informations and also allow the user or technician to access quickly to different functionnalities. 

How it looks ?

1 / Which informations 

This support page is organized in 4 parts (TabItem), as below :

Computer informations

User informations
System informations
Network informations
Security informations

2 / Buttons actions

9 buttons are also available to do below actions :

Drivers status list button
Show last events log button
View service status button
Installed hotfixes button

Prerequisites ?

It requires at least .Net Framework 4.5

How to add a support page ?

OEM Informations can be modified using the below registry key :

In my case To run my PS1 script I have created a SFX exe, using Winrar, and created a "SupportURL" string to launch it.

To see how to configure other values, click Here.

To test this page you can run as administrator the EXE file.
It will extract a folder called "SystDeploy" in "%temp%".

How to use it ?

1 / How to add or remove TabItem ?

You can manage TabItem in te "Support.xaml" file.

2 / How to add or remove informations ?

You can manage informtions in te "Support.xaml" file.
Each information is displayed by a label.
The link between the XAML file and the PS1 is done with the x:name="" field.
Indeed the name will be used in the PS1 to display the information.

3 / How to add or remove buttons ?

You can manage buttons in te "Support.xaml" file.
The link between the XAML file and the PS1 is done with the x:name="" field.
Indeed the name will be used in the PS1 to display the information.

You can find in the below rar file my testing support page. 
You can extract the content in order to get the XAML and PS1 files.

XAML 2719267162992874468

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5 commentaires

Fred a dit…

Hello Damien,
Sur quelle information t'appuis-tu pour connaitre le Site code SCCM ?
Par ce que si je lance depuis mon pc pro, je n'ai rien... ce qui est faux :p

Damien Van Robaeys a dit…

Hey Fredo, en fait je teste la clé 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client' et la valeur AssignedSiteCode. A SG c'est cette clé qui utilisée.

Fred a dit…

Je confirme.
Pour autant, l'information n'apparait pas dans ton outil. :(

Damien Van Robaeys a dit…

Merci pour le retour Fredo, je vais regarder ce que ça pourrait être.

Sébastien a dit…


J'aurais bien aimé voir cet utilitaire fonctionné mais le lien de téléchargement ne fonctionne plus, dommage

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