
Drivers Inventory dashboard on devices with Intune and Log Analytics

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In this post I will share with you a Log Analytics dashboard for drivers inventory allowing you to see all drivers installed on your devices

The solution

The script will get all non Microsoft drivers on each devices using the Win32_PNPSignedDriver WMI class.

It will be executed on each devices through a Remediation script.

This will resume in few steps:

- Creating a Remediation script

- Script is executed on all devices

- It will get installed drivers

- It will send info to Log Analytics

What shows the dashboard ?

The dashboard will display the below information in two tabs:

Drivers resume tab

- Devices count per models

- Devices count per drivers version

- Devices with drivers > 2 years

Drivers details tab

- Full details

- Drivers installed per models

- Drivers > 2 years for a device

- Older drivers (> 2 years)

- List of graphics drivers per models

- List of network drivers per models

Drivers comparison

- Compares drivers between two devices

- Shows drivers with same version

- Shows drivers with different version

- Drivers in Device 1 but not in Device 2

- Drivers in Device 2 but not in Device 1

If you filter on a specific device name below info will be available:

- Drivers older than 2 years for the device

- Drivers installed on the last 2 months

Windows Update

This tab allows you to get information about drivers installed through Windows Update.

It will translate Windows Update package to driver friendly name, as below:

You can then get info:

- Devices count by Windows Update package version and model

- Last Windows Update drivers package by version and model

If you filter on a specific device name below info will be available:

Drivers installed by Windows Update (filter on device name)

How does it work ?

To translate Windows Update package, I used this awesome code provided by Trevor Jones aka SMSAgent.

More info about Log Analytics

If you want to get more info about Log Analytics, check here my blog series about Learning Log Analytics from scratch.

Get the files

Click on the below GitHub picture to get required below files:

- Workbook.json: dashboard

- DriverInventory.ps1: detection script

How it looks like ?

The workbook is divided in 3 tabs:

- Drivers resume

-Drivers details, 

- Drivers comparison 

- Windows Update

The Log Analytics workbook will display below information:

- Count of devices inventoried

- Count of models inventoried

- Count of manufacturer inventoried

- Devices count per models

- Devices count per drivers version

- Devices with drivers > 2 years

- Full details

- Drivers installed per models

- Drivers > 2 years for a device

- Older drivers (> 2 years)

- List of graphics drivers per models

- List of network drivers per models

In the Details tab to get more info add, filter on a device name here below:

You will get drivers > 2 years:

And drivers installed on the last 2 months:

The Windows Update tab provides below info:

Devices count by Windows Update package version and model

Last Windows Update drivers package by version and model

Drivers installed by Windows Update (filter on device name)

Drivers comparison
The dashboard now allows you to compare drivers between two devices.
It will help you to compare drivers between two specific devices and see:
- Common drivers with the same versions
- Common drivers but with differents versions

The first step is to type both devices name in the filter below:

Once you filled the fields, you will get info about drivers comparison:

You will then see common drivers with different version:

And also common drivers with same versions:

Log Analytics information

In order to create this report we will need to add some information relative to the Log Analytics workspace in the PS1 script.

See below required info:

- Workspace ID

- Primary key

To get those information go to Log Analytics Workspace > Agents management

You will find both Workspace ID and Primary key.

Then we will proceed as below:

1. Open the file Detection_script.ps1

2. Fill below variables:

- $CustomerID: workspace ID

- $ShareKey: Primary key

Creating the Remediation script

1. Go to the Intune portal

2. Go to Devices

3. Go to Remediations

4. Click on Create script package

5. Type a name

6. Click on Next

7. Click on Detection script file

8. Browse the detection script

9. Click on Next

10. Click on Next

11. Click on Create

Adding the workbook

In this part we will add the report.

The report can be downloaded on GitHub, lin mentioned above.

The report is the file: Workbook.json

To add it, proceed as below:

1. Go to the Azure portal

2. Go to Log Analytics workspace

3. Go to workbook

4. Click on New

5. Go to Advanced editor, at the top

6. Remove content

7. Go to the GitHub link

8. Click on the copy button as below:

9. Click on Apply

10. Click on Done editing then Save

Issues you may have
Error with CL
After adding the workbook if you have an error as below it means that the Custom log does not exist yet so the workbook can not access to data from a log that not exists.
To check that just go to the Log part from Log Analytics and check if the DriversInventory_CL exists.
If not check if the remediation script has been executed at least on a device.

Error with filters
If you have the below error, check in filters at the top that something is selected.

For instance, go to the Class filter and check All if it's not

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6 commentaires

BV a dit…

Keep getting this error in log analytics:

Query could not be parsed at ')' on line [8,32]
Token: ')' Line: 8 Postion: 32

i can't see anything wrong.
Any suggestions?

Thank you!

Stefan a dit…

Same here, also the error:

Query could not be parsed at ')' on line [8,32]
Token: ')' Line: 8 Postion: 32

Any suggestion?

Damien Van Robaeys a dit…

Please send me a mail at damien.vanrobaeys@gmail.com for your issues

Damien Van Robaeys a dit…

I think you may have this issue because the remediation script hasn't been executed yet on a device meaning the custom log does not exist.
Check in Logs if the logs DriversInventory_CL exists, if not that's why you have the issue.
Send me mail at damien.vanrobaeys@gmail.com if the issue still occurs.

Constant a dit…

Hello Damien,
first of all, thank you for your inspiring work.
I've tried to implement your solution, but I can't see anything in the workbook. I don't have any errors in particular, but I don't have any data displayed. Do you have any idea what I might have missed?

Damien Van Robaeys a dit…

Hi Constant, could you please send me a mail at
damien.vanrobaeys@gmail.com ?

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