
GetBIOS module: List BIOS Settings from local or remote computer (for Dell, Lenovo, HP and Toshiba)

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In this post, I will show you the new version of my PowerShell module GetBIOS. 

This one allows you to list settings from differents BIOS manufacturer and from a local or remote computer.

What is it ?

This module allows you to query local or remote computer BIOS settings.

You can query settings the below manufacturers:

- Dell

- HP

- Lenovo

- Toshiba (not yet tested as I don't have one but any feedback would be welcome)

This module has been already downloaded 300 000 times.

What's new ?

- Add available values for Lenovo BIOS settings

How to install it ?

The module is available on the PowerShell gallery.

To install it, type: install-module GetBIOS

Get help

See the help part by typing get-help.

List local BIOS settings

1. Run PowerShell as admin

2. Just type Get-BIOS

3. It will check list your BIOS Settings.

4. If your manufacturer is not a Dell, HP or Lenovo, the below warning will be displayed

List remote computer BIOS settings

1. Run PowerShell as admin

2. Type Get-BIOS and add parameter -Computer "ComputerName".

3. A credentials Window will appear to type credentials to access to the remote computer.

4. It will check list BIOS Settings.

Export to CSV

1. Type Get-BIOS 

2. Add parameter -CSV_Path with CSV file path

3. A CSV file will be created 

4. It looks like as below:

Export to HTML

1. Type Get-BIOS 

2. Add parameter -HTML_Path with HTML file path

3. An HTML file will be created

4. It looks like as below:

Show setting description

1. Type Get-BIOS and parameter -ShowDescription

2. This will display description for the setting

Note: this one is available for Dell only

Show settings in Gridview

1. Type Get-BIOS and parameter -ShowGridview

2. This will display BIOS settings in an Out-Gridview

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3 commentaires

Anonyme a dit…

Any plans to make this compatible with PowerShell 7.x? I get the error "Get-WmiObject: The term 'Get-WmiObject' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program" when running under PowerShell 7

Anonyme a dit…

I was able to run it under PowerShell v7.3.6 (Elevated) with no issue. Both to the local machine, and to a remote machine. Remote took a wee bit longer, but not terrible. Hats off to the dev for the great utility.

Anonyme a dit…

I am not able to install this with the command mentioned. new to powershell; all I get is "no math was found for the specified search criteria and package name 'GetBIOS'.

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