Intune reporting: create a report of devices drivers status
In this post I will share a way to use Intune to create a report of devices with drivers issues maning disabled or missing.
- You have enrolled devices in Intune
- You want to know which device has drivers issues
- You want to know what is the issue
- You want to know: device name and user name
- You want to export result to a CSV
- You want an schedule way for that
- You want to display result in Power BI
Get the script
Click on the below GitHub picture to get both detection and remediation scripts.
You will find:
- Detection script: Check_Drivers_Detection.ps1
- Automation Runbook script: DriversStatus_Runbook.ps1
The solution
The process result in few steps:
- Create a Proactive Remediation to get BIOS info
- Create a resource group (if you don't have one)
- Create a storage account (if you don't have one)
- Create an Azure Automation account
- Add Managed Identity on the Automation account
- Create a Runbook in Automation
- Runbook gets result from Proactive Remediation script
- Runbook exports result to CSV
- Runbook uploads CSV to blob
- PowerBI gets CSV values from the blob
What is a Managed Identity ?
To resume, a managed identity is an account located in Azure AD, here an automation account.
This allows your script or app to access Azure AD resources without dealing with credentials.
Furthermore, credentials are never exposed in the code.
Your app will use the managed identity to get a token.
Managed identity can be used without any additional cost.
See below some interesting links:
Using a system-assigned managed identity for an Azure Automation account
What are managed identities for Azure resources?
Tutorial: Access Microsoft Graph from a secured app as the app
Authenticating to Azure AD protected APIs with Managed Identity
You can find also a pretty good post from Trevor Jones aka SMSAgent, there.
Create the remediation package
1. Go to the Microsoft Endpoint manager admin center
2. Go to Reports
3. Go to Endpoint analytics
4. Go to Proactive remediations
5. Click on Create script package
6. Type a name in our case Update Lenovo BIOS
7. Click on Next
8. Click on Detection script file
9. Choose the detection script
12. Click on Next
13. Select the group Lenovo devices
14. In the Schedule part, choose when the package should be run.
15. In our case we will run it every 3 hours (for our test)
16. Click on Apply
17. Click on Next
18. Click on Create
Create a resource group
1. Go to Azure
2. In the search bar type Resource group
3. Go to Resource group
4. Click on Create
5. Choose a Subscription
6. Type a Resource group name
7. Here: intune_reporting
8. Choose your region
9. Here: (Europe)France Central
10. Click on Review + Create
11. Click on Create
Storage account part
Create the account
1. Go to Azure
2. In the search bar type Storage accounts
3. Go to Storage accounts
4. Click on Create
5. Choose a Subscription
6. Choose the Resource group
7. Here: intune_reporting
8. Type a storage account name
9. Here: sdreporting
10. Choose your region
11. Here: (Europe)France Central
12. In Reduncy choose LRS
13. Click on Review + Create
14. Click on Create
15. Wait a bit
16. Click on Go to Resource Group
Create a container
1. Go to the Resource Group if you're not
2. Go to Containers
3. Click on + Container
4. Type a name
5. Here: powerbi-csv
6. Let to Private (no anonymous access)
7. Click on Create
Azure Automation account
Create the account
1. Go to Azure
2. In the search bar type: Automation accounts
3. Go to Automation accounts
4. Click on Create
5. Type a name
6. Here: automating-reports
7. Choose a Subscription
8. Choose the Resource group
9. Here: intune_reporting
10. Choose your region
11. Here: (Europe)France Central
12. In Create Azure Run As Account, select No
13. Click on Create
14. Wait a bit
15. Click on Go to resource
Add modules
1. Go to your automation account
2. Click on Modules gallery
3. Search: az.Accounts
4. Click on az.Accounts
5. Click on Import
6. Click on OK
7. Wait for importing
8. Search: az.Storage
9. Click on az.Storage
10. Click on Import
11. Click on OK
12. Wait for importing
Set Managed Identity
1. Go to your automation account
2. Go to Identity (Preview)
3. Go to System assigned
4. Select On
5. Click on Save
6. Click on Yes
Check Enterprise applications
1. Go to Azure
2. In the search bar type: Enterprise applications
3. Go to Enterprise applications
4. In Application type, select Managed identities
5. Click on Apply
6. You will see the new one
7. Here: automating-reports
8. Click on it
9. Go to Permissions
10. It should be empty
Permissions to add
We want to get values from Proactive Remediation part.
To know which permissions to add, the Graph resource to use is: DeviceHealthScript
You can see on the Graph API ref deoc permissions required, see below:
We will add below permissions:
- DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All
- Device.Read.All
- DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All
- DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All
Add API permissions
In this part we will add permissions through PowerShell.
Indeed you can't do it through the Portal.
You can find in the sources the script to add permissions.
Script name: Assign_permissions.ps1
Set below variables:
$TenantID: your tenant ID
$MSI_Name: name of the enterprise app or automation account
See below result:
Check permissions again
1. Go to tour Enterprise applications
2. Here: automating-reports
3. Go to Permissions
4. You should see your permissions
5. Click on Refresh it you don't see them
Create a custom role
1. Go to your Resource Group
2. Go to Access Control (IAM)
3. Go to Roles
4. Search role: Storage Blob Data Contributor
5. Click on the ...
6. Click on Clone
7. Type a name
8. Here: CUSTOM_Blob_Upload
9. Let by default
10. Click on Next
11. In Permissions tab, click on Add permissions
12. Search: Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/read
13. Select Microsoft Storage
14. Check Read : List/Get Storage Account(s)
15. Click on Add
16. Click on Add permissions
17. Search: Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listkeys/action
18. Select Microsoft Storage
19. Check Other : List Storage Account Keys
20. Click on Add
21. Click on Next
22. Click on Next
23. Click on Next
24. Click on Create
25. Click on OK
Assign role to automation
1. In Access Control(IAM), go to Check access
2. Click on Add role assignment (Preview)
3. Select: CUSTOM_Blob_Upload
4. Click on Next
4. Select: User, group, or service principal
5. Click on Select members
6. Choose the enterprise app
7. Click on Select
8. Click on Next
9. Click on Select
10. Click on Review + assign
Azure Automation Runbook
Create a Runbook
1. Go to Azure
2. In the search bar type: Automation accounts
3. Go to your Automation accounts
4. Here: automating-reports
5. Go to Runbooks
6. Click on + Create a runbook
7. Type a name
8. Here: BIOS-reporting
9. In Runbook type, select PowerShell
10. Click on Create
Add script in Runbook
The runbook script is located downloaded sources.
Script name: Runbook_script.ps1
Set the below variables:
- $ResourceGroup: name of the resource group
- $StorageAccount: name of the storage account
- $container: name of the container
- $Script_name: name of the proactive remediation script
Here below my variables:
$ResourceGroup = "intune_reporting"
$StorageAccount = "sdreporting"
$container = "powerbi-csv"
$Script_name = "compare bios"
Test the Runbook
1. Click on Test pane
2. Click on Start
3. Once finished, you should see Completed
4. Go to your Container
5. You should see the CSV
Publish the Runbook
1. Go to your Runbook
2. Click on Edit
3. Click on Publish
4. Click on Yes
Schedule the Runbook
1. Go to your Runbook
2. Click on Schedules
3. Click on + Add a schedule
4. Click on Link a schedule to your runbook
5. Click on + Add a schedule
6. Type a schedule name
7. In Recurrence, select Recuring
8. Click on Create
Power BI report
Blob Storage info
1. Go to Storage accounts
2. Click on the storage account containing the CSV
3. Keep in mind the storage account name
4. Go to Access keys
5. Click on Show keys
6. Copy value from Key1
Get datas from Azure
1. Open file Report_Template.pbit
2. Click on Load
3. The report will be displayed
4. Go to Fields > Get data
5. Select Azure > Azure Blob Storage
5. Click on Connect
6. Type the account name then OK
7. Paste the Access key copied previously
8. Check the appropriate folder
9. Click on Transform Data
10. Click on the button in Content
11. Datas will be listed
12. Click on OK
13. Click on the table in the corner
14. Select Use First Row as Headers (if header name are like Column1)
15. Click on Close & Apply twice
16. The report will be displayed
Create the report
Create your report as you want.
You can find my pbix template file in the sources folder.
Publish the report
1. Click on Publish
2. Click on Select
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