Upload files to Sharepoint/Teams using PowerShell
In this post I will show you how to upload files, folder on Sharepoint/Teams with PowerShell.
- You have a Sharepoint site
- You want to upload content like log on a folder
Hoes does it works ?
We will use two methods to authenticate to Sharepoint:
- Through an Azure app
- Through a Sharepoint app
Special thanks to @veronicageek to help me understanding sharepoint part :-)
Using an Azure app
1. Create an Azure app
2. Add API permissions to Sharepoint
3. Create a certificate on a device
4. Upload the certifcate on the Azure app
5. Export the certificate
6. Install PowerShell.PnP module
7. Connect to the Sharepoint site
8. Use cmdlet to upload content
Using a Sharepoint app
1. Create the Sharepoint app
2. Trust the app
3. Add permissions
4. Install PowerShell.PnP module
5. Connect to the Sharepoint site
6. Use cmdlet to upload content
Our Sharepoint site
In our example, we have a Sharepoint site as below:
We want to upload log of a device in the folder Device logs.
To upload content in a folder you have to get its path on Sharepoint.
For that use the below code:
Install pnp module
To interact with your Sharepoint site we will use the module PowerShell.pnp
Type the below command to install it:
Using an Azure app
Create the Azure app
1. Go to Azure portal
2. Go to App registrations
3. Click on New registration
4. Type a name for your app
5. Let by default and click on Register
6. Go to Overview
7. Keep in mind Client id
8. Go to API permissions
9. Click on Add a permission
10. Select Sharepoint
11. Select Application permissions
12. Check Sites.FullControl.All
13. Click on Add permissions
14. Click on Grant admin consent
Generate the certificate
On a device, type the below command:
A CER file will be generated
Upload the certificate
1. Go to Azure portal
2. Go to your Azure app
3. Click on Certificates & secrets
4. Click on Upload certificate
5. Browse to the CER file
6. Click on Add
7. Keep in mind the Thumbprint
8. You can export certificate using the below command:
Using a Sharepoint app
Create Sharepoint app
1. Connect to your Sharepoint site
2. Add this to the address: /_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx
3. In my case the address will be the below one:
4. In Client id click on Generate
5. In Client Secret click on Generate
6. Type a title like Collect device logs
7. In App domain, type localhost
8. In Redirect URI, type localhost
9. Click on Create
10. The below confirmation appears:
Add permissions to the app
1. Connect to your Sharepoint site
2. Add this to the address: /_layouts/15/appinv.aspx
3. In my case the address will be the below one:
4. In App id, type the previous app ID
5. Click on Lookup
6. Infos of your app will be displayed
7. In Permissions add the below XML:
8. Click on Create
9. Click on Trust it
PowerShell and Sharepoint
Now we have prepared both connexion methods, let's see how to:
- Connect to our Sharepoint site
- List content from Sharepoint
- Get path of a specific folder
- Upload content to this folder
Connect through Azure app
To connect to our Sharepoint site using our Azure application we will need:
- The Sharepoint site URL
- The Azure app client ID
- The Azure app thumbprint
Then use the below command to connect:
By default, it will return nothing, meaning connexion is OK.
Connect through Sharepoint app
To connect to our Sharepoint site using our Azure application we will need:
- The Sharepoint site URL
- The Sharepoint app client ID
- The Sharepoint app client Secret
Then use the below command to connect:
By default, it will return nothing, meaning connexion is OK.
List content from List
The first step is to get List from Sharepoint.
In our example the list to use will be Documents, as below from the Sharepoint portal.
We will need the list title to be able to get content from Documents.
For that we will use the cmdlet: Get-PnPList
See below the result:
As you may noticed we will use the list Documents.
List content from the list
Now we have the name of the list, we will list its content.
For that we will use the following cmdlet: Get-PnPListItem
See below the command:
See below the result:
The default result does not give enough informations.
We will use the below command to get more infos:
See below result:
Get the path of a folder
Now we want to get the path of the folder where to upload content.
In our example, the folder is called: Device logs
For that, type the below command:
Upload content to Sharepoint
Now we have the folder path we will use a file into it.
We will upload a ZIP file.
The cmdlet to use is the following: Add-PnPFile
To this one we need to add below parameters:
- Path: Path of the file to upload
- Folder: Path of the Sharepoint folder where to upload file
See below the full command:
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