Backup all your TechNet Gallery contributions with PowerShell
In this post I will show you a script I created that allows you to backup all your Technet Gallery contributions on your computer.
This will create one folder per contribution, backup contribution description and download script or content.
As you probably may know Microsoft plans to retire the Technet Gallery on June 2020.
See more here about this.
This means you have to backup all your contributions uploaded on the TechNet gallery before its retirement.
In my case I have 51 contributions to backup and migrate to another site (in my case I choosed GitHub).
Tat's why I decided to create an automate way to backup my contibutions.
Get the script
What does the script ?
1. The script will analyze the profile of the person you have typed.
2. It will create one folder per contribution in the backup folder you chose.
3. In each contribution folder a Summary.txt file will be created with the description of the post.
4. In each contribution folder, if a file has been uploaded, it will be downloaded here.
How works the script ?
1. Type the name of the user, in my case I typed mine
2. Type a path where to backup your contributions
3. The script will proceed as below for each contribution
4. See below an overview of my backup
How to use it ?
1. Run the file Backup_TechnetGallery_Contribs.ps1
2. This will ask for the user for who you want to backup contributions
3. Type the path where to backup contribs
4. You can add parameter -User_Name with the user name to the PS1, as below:
5. If the user has not been found, it may be because of special characters in the profile name
6. In this case you can add the parameter -Profile_Link an use the user profile link.
7. For instance let's use the Maurice Daly profile.
8. Go to Maurice technet contibs and copy the link in the address bar, as below:
9. The link to copy is the below one:
9. Add it to the parameter, as below:
Backup in action
As mentioned you can backup contributions from everyone, just by typing the user name.
In the below I will backup contributions from François-Xavier Cat, then Martin Bengston.
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