
Install RSAT on Windows 10 through PowerShell and SCCM

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In this post I will show you how to install RSAT features on Windows 10 (since 1809) using PowerShell and an XML containing features to enable. I will also explain how to enable it through SCCM. 

Since the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (since Windows 10 1809), RSAT is included as a set of “Features on Demand” in Windows 10, meaning you can't install it like before using an EXE file.
See the note on the RSAT download page.

You can find also here a nice script from Martin Bengtsson.

Check RSAT Features
You can check easily if an RSAT feature is installed using PowerShell.
The cmdlet to use is the following: 
On my computer installed with the 1903 build, the return will be as below:

As you may notice there are different features to enable or not.
You can also check for features that are installed or not depending of the state attribute:
- NotPresent: for features that are not installed
- Installed: for feature that are installed

Install RSAT feature
To install an RSAT feature you can use the following cmdlet: 

The script
The script works in two parts:
- An XML file containing RSAT features with status to tell if it should be enabled
- The PS1 file that will install all features with status set to True 
See below the XML file:

See below the PS1 script:

Script in action
In the XML file, features ActiveDirectory, DNS and DHCP are setted to True.
See below the script in action:

See below an overview of the log file after execution:

Deploy through SCCM
Create the application
1 /  In your SCCM console, go to Software Library then Applications
2 / Click on Create Application

3 / Select Manually specify the application information

4 / Type a name and choose what you want

5 / Choose what you want, like an icon

6 / Click on the Add button

7 / Choose Script installer

8 / Type a name

9 / In the content location, browse to the folder path that contains the PS1
10 / In the Installation program, select the PS1 file, click on Next

11 / Click on Add clause

12 / Choose your rule then click on OK and Next

13 / Choose how you want to run the application

14 / In the Requirements part click on Next
15 / In the Software dependencies part, click on Next
16 / Click on Next
17 / Click on Close
18 / Click on Next
19 / Click on Next
20 / Click on Close

Deploy it
1 / Go to Software Libray
2 / Do a right-click on the application
3 / Click on Deploy

4 / In the Collection part choose your collection and click on OK

5 / Click on Next
6 / Click on Add and select your DP

7 / Choose what you want and click on Next
8 / Click on Next
9 / Click on Next
10 / Click on Next
11 / Click on Close

Deployment in action
1 / Open the Software Center
2 / The application appears in the Software Center

3 / Click on Install

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