Run Configuration Manager Client actions from the systray
In this post I will show you a little tool I created that allows you to quicly run Configuration Manager Client actions from the client computer.
This is my first post about ConfigMgr so be indulgent :-)
Why this ?
Recently a client asked me to create a tool to use on nomad client in order to refresh Configuration Manager from the client.
He wanted to refresh many actions in one click, instead of going in the Configuration Manager client, then client on Actions and Run and Run... as below:
All actions were located in an XML file with an Active tag to set to True or False.
How to get it ?
Context ?
An icon is located in the systray bar, as below:
User click on the icon or do a right-click then click on CM force Update,
It will refresh selected Configuration Manager actions.
The XML file
To choose which action you want to update or not, change the XML node from False to True, as below:
All nodes configured with Active status to True will be refresh once you click on the icon.
How to implement it ?
1 / Check if files have note been blocked after download
2 / Run the file CM_Force_Update.ps1
3 / An icon will be added in the systray
4 / You can create a scheduled task to run the tool at every log on for instance. In the downloaded folder you can find a script to create this kind of scheduled task: Scheduled_Task.ps1
How to use it ?
1 / Change values from the XML file to choose which actions to refresh or not
2 / Click on the icon
2 / Do a right-click and click on CM Force Update
See below differents results from the tool.
If a prerequisites (see below prerequistes) fails it will display a GUI as below:
- Check SMS service
- Check connection to the Management Point
If everything has been successully refreshed the below GUI will be display:
If an error occured during update the below will be displayed
Click on the View details button to view which action has failed
1 commentaire
Hi, thank you for this tool, I love it. Recently we update to the New Powershell terminal and the run window stays open with errors. Do you have an update? Thank you
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