
Customize the OEM Support Tool

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In my last post, I shared a tool that allows you to display easily and quicky some informations about your computer, system, network...
In this post I will show you an easy way to customize the design of this tool.
I will show you how to add:
- Your title
- Your logo
- Your buttons color
- Color of the Close button

See below a quick overview:

For that, it's pretty easy.
Just use the Config_OEM_Tool.xml file provided in my last download link.
By default, this file is configured as below:

See below the default design of the tool:

For instance I want to modify the tool as below:
- Title: My computer informations
- Color button 1: Violet
- Color button 2: Black
- Color button close: Violet

See below the config xml file with our configuration:

See below the result:

PS1 7770318594681852123

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