
MDT Wizard: Use an external Customsettings.ini

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Some month ago, I shared a tool, link Here, that allows you to generate a Customsettings.ini file in order to use it like a profile. This way you can create multiple INI files.
In this post I will show you a wizard that I have created to apply a profile you have created and use it during your deployment.

You can for instance create an ini profile for domain integration, workgroup, for computer that belong to a specific branch or whatever you want.
This listBox will use the MDT variable RulesFile that allows you to choose your Customsettings.ini file, I will talk about this variable in my next post.

How to get the wizard ?

How it looks ?

This MDT wizard below will list all ini files located in a specific folder.
In my case I created a folder INI_Profiles located in the Deploy folder from my master.
INI_Profiles folder 
Once the wizard is launched, the listbox below will list all ini files located in the INI_Profiles folder.
INI files List
If an Profiles folder can't be found the below warning will appear.
No profile folder found warning
If there is a folder but no profiles the below warning will appear.
No profiles found warning

How to use it ?

1 / Download the wizard (xml & vbs files)
2 / Copy these files in your Deploy\Scripts folder
3 / Open BDD_Welcome_ENU.xml
4 / Add the Profiles pane as below

5 / Create an INI_Profiles folder in the Deploy folder
6 / Generate a INI profile file
7 / Run a deployment
8 / Select your profile

Wizard in action

In the below example we will create two INI profiles using the MDT profile Generator tool.
Then we'll check our ini files and run a deployment to see how to use our profiles using the wizard.

Profiles creation

The first profile will use the below configuration:
- Computer name = Computer1
- Workgroup = WorkgroupTest
- Language = French
- Locale = French
- Time zone = Paris
- Wizard to skip: ProductKey, UserData,Capture, Bitlocker

The second profile will use the below configuration:
- Computer name = Computer2
- Workgroup = WorkgroupTest2
- Language = Spanish
- Locale = Spanish
- Time zone = Madrid
- Wizard to skip: ProductKey, UserData,Capture, Bitlocker

Our INI files

See below, the first profile

See below, the second profile

See our wizard

Now let's run a deployment !!!

Wizard files

See below the INI_Profiles.xml file
See below the INI_Profiles.vbsfile

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 4210795707908549236

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2 commentaires

Unknown a dit…

Hi! I added the bdd welcome part and updating deploymentshare, but when I would start a deployment and see a error:unable to load xml file: X:\Deploy\Scripts\INI_profiles.xml

Anonyme a dit…


i came upon this and thought it can be helpfull for me.
so i tried this, but does not get to work.
how do i call the ini-profiles.vbs in the CS.ini file,
i tried it with a userexit, but doesn't do the trick

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