
Powershell tool: MDT Light version

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In a previous post, I have shown you a method to use MDT as a portable application without installing MDT or the ADK.
I was thinking why not going further and create a tool that will allow you to do mostly common actions used in MDT.
That's why I created this tool and also because I like to create new ways to do some actions using Powershell. There are two versions, depending of the computer's architecture on which you're running the tool.
Run the tool on a computer without MDT & ADK installed.
I tested on different environment, but you may have some issues, don't hesitate to contact me from here or by mail: damienvanrobaeys@gmail.com

How to get the tool ?

  • You need the MDT & ADK modules 
  • A computer without MDT & ADK installed
  • The x86 tool version for 32Bit system
  • The x64 tool version for x64 system

How to get modules ?
I shared on DropBox the MDT & ADK modules I used. You can download them, or create yours. Click here to download these modules.
Check how to create yours in my previous post.

Which actions you can do ?
  • Create Deployment Share
  • Open Deployment Share
  • Update Deployment Share (3 options)
  • Add / Modify / Remove an application
  • Add / remove an OS
  • Add / Remove a Language Pack
  • Add / Remove a Package
  • Add remove a media
  • Update a Media

How to use the tool ?

1 / Run the MDT Light version.exe
2 / The first GUI is composed of two tabs. The first tab allows you to choose your Deployment Share or Deploy folder.
Select your master Tab
The second Tab allows you to load both MDT and ADK modules.
Select modules Tab
See my last post, here, to understand what I mean by MDT and ADK modules.

3 / Then click on Launch MDT portable version
4 / The second window will be launched and your Deployment Share content will be displayed in the Datagrid.
Main MDT Light version GUI

Main MDT Portable Version GUI

Understanding Datagrids

For now I have created 6 Datagrid, but I'm still working on this project.
Applications Tab
Operating System Tab
Language Packs Tab

Understanding the Actions part

The Actions part, below, allows you to manage the datagrid content. It'll do an action depending of the tab you're located.
Actions part
1 / The first button will launch the update Deployment Share below:
Update Deployment Share part
2 / The second button allows you to add an item in your Deployment Share,
For instance if you are on the Application tab, it will launch the add an application part
Add Application part
If you are on the Operating System Tab, it will launch the Add an OS part

3 / The third button allows you to modify an item.
For instance if you are on the Applications tab, it will launch the Modify an application part
Modify application part
4 / The fourth button allows you to remove an item from your Deployment Share.
Select an item, for instance an application, and click on the rermove button.
5 / The fifth button allows you to refresh the datagrid.

Use the more settings part

On the main MDT Portabble version GUI, you can find in the title bar a button that allows you to display more settings.

More settings button
This button will displayed the FlyoutControl below:
More settings Flyout
It will allow you to:
  • Open another Deployment Share
  • Create a new Deployment Share
  • Load another MDT Module folder
  • Load another ADK Module

Use the checking part

On the main MDT Portabble version GUI, you can find in the title bar a button that allows you to display a checking part. It will display the Deployment Share path, version, MDT & ADK modules paths and the MDT module version.
Checking part button
The button will display the Flyout control below:
Checking part Flyout

The tool in action

Add an application
We will add a random application then we will check the applications.xml file 
Add an application part
Add an OS

We will first, add a Windows 7 OS from full sources then we will add the same OS from the install.wim file
Add an OS from Full sources
Add an OS from a WIM file

Add a Language pack

We will add a French and Russian language packs
Add a Language pack part

The project on GitHub

What's next ?

For the next version I will add functionalities below:
  • ProgressBar when adding items
  • Task sequence part
  • Linked Deployment Share part
  • List folders and sub folders 
  • Better verbose for the updatedeployment part

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