
Powershell tool: MDT Profile Generator

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In this post, I'll show you a tool that I have created to generate a profile for MDT.

If you usually read my posts you may notice that I like automation and find different ways to do some tasks.
That's why I imagine a new way to use MDT to automate a deployment.

As you may know customsettings.ini file can be modified to pre-fill fields in the deployment wizards, as Computername, IP Address ...

So why not using this ini file as a profile ? 

You can create differents profiles, for an example for multiple branch of your company.
Then select which profile you want to apply during the deployment. 
We can imagine a Listbox wizard which will propose you each profile you want to apply.

This tool will allow you to create easily this file.

Now let's see how it works.

How to get the script ?

How to use the tool ?
The first GUI will allow you to select your Deployment Share.
GUI to Select your Deployment Share

By selecting a Deployment Share, it'll populate differents fields in the next GUI.
MDT Profile Generator using a Deployment Share

If you run the tool without selecting a Deploment Share these fields won't be populated.
MDT Profile Generator without Deployment Share

Fill fields you want to pre-fill in the Deployment Wizards and then click on the Create my profile button.
The ini file will be automatically created. By default it'll be created in the control folder from your Deployment Share. However you can choose another path using the profile path selection.

How works the tool ?

Details Tab
  • Profile name: Name you want to give to the ini file
  • Profile path: Location of the ini file
  • Task Sequence: List of your Task Sequence from your Deployment Share
  • OS Language: List of all Language packs from your DS
  • Timezone: List of all Timezone
  • Keyboard: List of the Keyboard language

The Task Sequence listbox lists task sequences found in the TaskSequence.xml file from your Deployment Share. It'll set the TaskSequenceID parameer in the ini file.
Task Sequence found on your DS
The OS Language listbox lists MUI found in the Packages.xml file from your Deployment Share. It'll add the selected MUI as LanguagePacks1 in the ini file.
Language packs found on your DS

The Timezone listbox lists content of the MDT_LanguageUI.xml integrated in the tool.
I'll set the TimeZoneName parameter in the ini file.
TimeZone ListBox
TimeZone exerpt from the MUI_Language.xml file 

The Keyboard Layout listbox lists content of the MDT_LanguageUI.xml integrated in the tool. I'll set the KeyboardLocale parameter in the ini file.
KeyBoard Layout ListBox
KeyBoard Layout exept from the MUI_Language.xml

Domain Tab
Domain Tab - WorkGroup selected
By default the WKG or domain choice is set to Workgroup.
To set it in domain choose domain and click on Choose.
Then fill fields Domain name, OU name, User name and Admin password.
Domain Tab - Domain selected

Network Tab
Network Tab
By default the network type is set to DHCP.
To set your IP Address, Gateway and Mask, select Static in the listbox and click on Choose
Network type = Static

Wizard Tab

In this part you can choose which wizard pane you want to skip. It won't be displayed during the deployment selection.
Wizard tab
You can find here a great post, from Andrew Barnes aka Scriptimus Prime, about skipping deployment wizard.

Applications Tab
Applications Tab
The applications tab will list all applications found in the Applications.xml from your Deployment Share.
Select an application to set it as mandatory application in the ini file. 
You can select one or multiple application.
Applications tab - Multi selection

How does my profile look like ?

Profile in Workgroup and DHCP

Profile in Domain and Static IP

What's next ?

- A Deployment Wizard with a ListBox to choose a INI file to apply
- Button to update an existing INI file 
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